
Legendary Jade Force Shield of Stoneskin

test123 2020.05.10 조회 수 181 추천 수 0
레벨 318 
무기 Shield 
등급 Legendary 
접두 Jade 
종류 Force Shield 
접미 Stoneskin 
BLK 3% 
코드 204567123 
링크 https://hentaiverse.org/equip/204567123/d6d5ec78d3 
Legendary Jade Force Shield of Stoneskin
Shield     Level 318     Tradeable
Condition: 196 / 290 (68%)     Potency Tier: 0 (0 / 351)
Physical Mitigation
Magical Mitigation
Block Chance
Damage Mitigations
Slashing 23%
Wind 30%
Primary Attributes
Strength 82%
Dexterity 35%
Agility 1%
Upgrades and Enchantments
Display style: Unforged Percentiles (Legendary)
Current Owner: MoogleMail
318, Str Dex Agi, PXP 351, BLK 3%, Pmit 55%, Mmit 41%, Str 82%, Dex 35%, Agi 1%, Slas 23%

0개의 댓글

번호 레벨 무기 등급 접두 종류 접미 BLK 제목
15 81  Shield  Exquisite    Force Shield  Warding  11%  Exquisite Force Shield of Warding
14 81  Shield  Exquisite    Force Shield  Warding  17%  Exquisite Force Shield of Warding
13 95  Shield  Exquisite    Force Shield  Warding  93%  Exquisite Force Shield of Warding
12 95  Shield  Exquisite    Force Shield  Protection  23%  Exquisite Force Shield of Protection
11 95  Shield  Exquisite  Zircon  Force Shield  Protection  44%  Exquisite Zircon Force Shield of Protection
10 81  Shield  Exquisite  Cobalt  Force Shield  Protection  2%  Exquisite Cobalt Force Shield of Protection
9 266  Shield  Magnificent    Force Shield  Stoneskin  40%  Magnificent Force Shield of Stoneskin
8 280  Shield  Magnificent    Force Shield  Dampening  75%  Magnificent Force Shield of Dampening
7 95  Shield  Magnificent    Force Shield  Dampening  31%  Magnificent Force Shield of Dampening
6 360  Shield  Magnificent  Onyx  Force Shield  Dampening  15%  Magnificent Onyx Force Shield of Dampening
5 208  Shield  Magnificent  Jade  Force Shield  Dampening  47%  Magnificent Jade Force Shield of Dampening
318  Shield  Legendary  Jade  Force Shield  Stoneskin  3%  Legendary Jade Force Shield of Stoneskin
3 316  Shield  Legendary  Jade  Force Shield  Warding  0%  Legendary Jade Force Shield of Warding
2 389  Shield  Legendary  Amber  Force Shield  Warding  25%  Legendary Amber Force Shield of Warding
1 303  Shield  Legendary  Ruby  Force Shield  Protection  7%  Legendary Ruby Force Shield of Protection
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